
Bite My Nails from Max Sarre lands editorial support on Spotify!

Bite My Nails from Max Sarre lands editorial support on Spotify!

The brand new single from Max Sarre landed on Spotify's editorial New Pop UK playlist!
Bite My Nails from Max Sarre is out today!

Bite My Nails from Max Sarre is out today!

Bite My Nails from @maxsarreofficial is out today , have a listen here: a...
New music from Masquerade out now!

New music from Masquerade out now!

New music Friday and our first ever release with the brilliant Masquerade  Something Mine is out today, check it out here:
Kids Again from Abi Carter Simpson is out today!

Kids Again from Abi Carter Simpson is out today!

New music on a Friday from the multitalented Abi Carter-Simpson , chec out Kids again here:
Brilliant new single , Waiting Room,  from Isla Rico is out today!

Brilliant new single , Waiting Room, from Isla Rico is out today!

Waiting Room , the brand new single from @weareislarico is out today , the wait is over!
Mayfire hits top 10 live band in Norway in 2024 and they are coming to the UK soon!

Mayfire hits top 10 live band in Norway in 2024 and they are coming to the UK soon!

Mayfire has been voted in the top 10 of live bands in Norway in 2024 and in March 2025 you can see them play in London , Manchester and Liverpool o...
Wide Awake from Radiogeist is out on all platfroms now!

Wide Awake from Radiogeist is out on all platfroms now!

New rock music on a Friday from Radiogeist is out now, check out Wide Awake here :
Modern Day Princess by Abi Carter -Simpson is out today!

Modern Day Princess by Abi Carter -Simpson is out today!

Our first release with the multi talented @abicartersimpsonuk is out today , check out Modern Day Princess now! #newmusicalert #newmusicfriday #uku...
You are the One from Wildnite is out now!

You are the One from Wildnite is out now!

Happy Friday and today we give you the latest single from the Norwegian rockers in Wildnite , check out You are the One on all platforms now!  http...
Tim BLVD's new bangers RAIN and PHOBIA is out now!

Tim BLVD's new bangers RAIN and PHOBIA is out now!

Two brilliant tracks from Tim Bvld is out on all streaming platforms now, check out RAIN :

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