Bite My Nails from Max Sarre lands editorial support on Spotify!
The brand new single from Max Sarre landed on Spotify's editorial New Pop UK playlist!
“Sex Robots” EP is a punk/pop/alt-rock soundtrack depicting a dystopian world
already creeping into everyday life.A world where instead of seeing a fellow
human being, a man sees something he feels entitled to that has a price tag
(“What Is Yours Is Mine”). And where combating this unwanted male attention continues to be dangerous (“Toolish”). All the while, left alone to pick up the pieces
post-childbirth (“Depleted”), women are expected to uphold the
impossible pressures of body image, whilst being labelled crazy, and medicalised for their trauma (“Broken Bones”). They are expected to welcome the male-led
technological revolution that will ultimately replace them (“No Sex Robots”).